We have just been to see White, with our two and a half year old daughter. I want to thank you for restoring my faith in children's theatre. The production was gentle and beautiful, perfectly paced, with a lovely narrative and wonderful effects. It engaged children's emotions and imaginations, without believing, as all the other shows we have seen do, that children's theatre must engage their voices in inane 'audience interaction'. The acting was superb and enjoyed by all the adults in our group. The dialogue was ingenious and the set magnificent. I had almost decided to abandon taking Emma to the theatre until she grows up, but you have given me new hope!
Regards Stephanie Allais Research Fellow Centre for Educational Sociology Moray House School of Education "The play's call to celebration life in all it's rich, multi-coloured glory is both unforced and deeply moving" *****
http://www.festmag.co.uk/reviews/156-white Mary Brennan has done a lovely review for The Herald
"This truly beautiful show crafts its ideas with a light, but sophisticated touch..." **** http://www.heraldscotland.com/arts-ents/stage-visual-arts/bestest-bits-that-even-the-grown-ups-will-love-1.1047390 Mary Brennan has done a feature on White in todays Herald.
http://www.heraldscotland.com:80/arts-ents/stage-visual-arts/hue-have-to-wonder-if-they-ll-laugh-or-they-ll-cry-1.1047113 "...one of the best shows in town."
Mark Fisher, Scotland on Sunday "...imaginative and humorous..."****Margaret Scott, whatsonstage.com "I urge every theatre going visitor of the fringe to get along and see what could possibly be one of the most touching pieces of theatre this year."
***** John Roberts, The Public Review White has opened and the audience have seemed to really love it. We hve already had a little girl who has been twice and we've only done 8 shows!The reviews have been really nice too
"an utter delight...a palpable hit" (Full review) Thom Dibdin, The Stage "perfectly pitched, simple, clear, witty and gorgeous to look at" **** Joyce McMillan, The Scotsman The set is up and it looks beautiful - Shona, Craig and Susie have done a great job. We have a nursery coming tomorrow to preview the show which will be utterly terrifying but really useful.
AndyAge: 108 Archives
July 2014